Friday, May 22, 2020

The Tudor Temper An Analysis On The Royal Mind - 2344 Words

‘The Tudor Temper: An analysis on the Royal Mind’ An insight into the mental wellbeing of the Tudor Royal Family Daniella Smithers BA Hons Bangor University (History/Archaeology/ Heritage) The mind of a Royal can be the decimation or the making of a nation. Whether at the fore front or behind the curtains, it was a fierce time for both young and old alike, so being strong minded was vital. I intend this essay to set out to decipher documents to better comprehend how the Royal family thought during the 15th to the 16th century. Historians have argued during the 21st century about the state of mind of the Tudors, especially Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. I will establish why historians shouldn’t look at the sources as ‘black and white’ and should study how life events and upbringing could have caused their mental state and not a mental disorder. David Starkey, since his career began, has been notably associated with the Tudors, states ‘the man behind the myth is a phycholigical enigma’ . Through the study of primary sources, a greater understanding can be made on how Political, Social and Economic history could be affected by the thought s processes of a Royal. Through the context of the 15th and 16th centuries, there emerged an increasing fascination for mental health. The Royal family was idolised through portraits, books, coins, and visits that they made around the country. Their mental state would not have been known publically, but to those most close to them.Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesMerwyn Strate, Purdue University Joo-Seng Tan, Cornell University Karen Thompson, Sonoma State University Linda Tibbetts, Antioch University McGregor Ed Tomlinson, John Carroll University Bob Trodella, Webster University Tom Tudor, University of Arkansas at Little Rock William D. Tudor, Ohio State University Daniel Turban, University of Missouri Albert Turner, Webster University Jim Turner, Morehead State University Leslie Tworoger, Nova Southeastern University M. A. Viets, University of Vermont Roger

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